Books on mindfulness and compassion
April 12th, 2020
Here are some of my thoughts and reflections of the link between creativity and wellbeing and the essential elements that…
October 25th, 2019
Join me for my 12 day creativity challenge hack. Each day find in your inbox a short 5 minute video of the 12 hacks that help me be creative that you can apply to your life and work
October 21st, 2019
Working in the area of change i am fascinated between the crossover of economics (my first degree) into applied psychology (my profession) and vice versa to inform behavioural change. I found the presentation by Cass Sunstein thought provoking and made me reflect around how we go about organisational development, change and business transformation.
Please feel free to contact me for an exploratory chat at +44 (0) 7801 246113 or drop me a line at mail to: enquiries@mindtrip.co.uk
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