Interested in mindfulness classes and coaching in the workplace?
Interested in mindfulness in the workplace?
After a stimulating and enjoyable teachers training retreat with the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (University of Bangor) I am now actively incorporating mindfulness thinking into a number of areas of my work:
as a coach: while I have been integrating cognitive behavioural thinking into my work as a coach since I started out, I am now incorporating more mindfulness thinking into my practice too. So if you are interested in exploring coaching for individuals to help them deal with ambiguity, complexity, enhance creativity or deal with stress and enhance wellbeing then do give me a call!
as a mindfulness facilitator in the workplace: I have been talking to the potential project for a number of months now and am very much looking forward to working with them as one of their facilitators of their corporate based mindfulness programmes. Already a huge success in the States and Australasia, training 25 000 people in more than 100 companies. If you are interested in what we could do for you and your firm, then please do drop me a mail as I am looking to run some pilot workshops at the beginning of 2016
and finally, if you live in the Stour Valley area (or know someone who does):
mindfulness based stress reduction classes: I will be running the standard, much researched MBSR 8 week programme for local people, originally developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the Stress Reduction Clinic, part of the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Centre. To find out more about dates and cost please visit my website
Do get in touch if this links in with any explorations and plans you have for the rest of the year…
with warm wishes for a lovely Summer!
PS want to find out more about mindfulness? take a look at my blog from last year