Mindfulness Course Participant Testimonials
Having previously run successful Mindfulness courses at the Colchester Institute you may recognise some of these testimonials…Participants come from all walks of life and include stay at home mums, electricians, Doctors, school teachers, counsellors, social workers, pastoral leads and various business professionals!
It has given me strength of mind and i will use and adapt what i have been learning into my everyday life
Course Participant
I feel that the course has been very good for me at a time when things are and have been difficult in my work and home life.
Not at all ” wee-woo” ! My partner says I’m happier and calmer.
This course is to be recommended for people with a chronic illness. Connecting the mind and body and facilitates health and self care.
Course Participant
I really enjoyed it, nice subject, nice people and nice experience. Its made me aware of me, what i do and what i am.
It has helped me to meditate without fear of not doing it right!
Even entrenched bad habits can be broken! Give it a go! These courses can help bring a more balanced and calm attitude to life and may help you break lifelong bad habits.
Very useful and practical and has helped me awaken my creative and curious personality. Thank you Heather!!
I would highly recommend this course to everyone, as even the most practical person still can use time to be more mindfully aware in giving your grey matter some time out for a workout.
This mindfulness course has really opened up my path of self development and brings about a more positive way of being in the World
This course was just what I needed at this point in my life. It has been enlightening and life changing and helped me focus and learn what being mindful really means. The course has helped me get to know myself and be kind and compassionate to myself
Much needed in a stressful world. A way of finding yourself and staying sane.
A valuable journey of self discovery. I am less stressed, have less back pain, have more acknowledgement/understanding of self, more time for self and the here and now is what matters
I have really enjoyed coming to the course and practicing with others and being lead. It has made me allocate time to press the ‘reset’ button!
Has helped me to ‘untangle’ my brain! Am more aware of when i am on autopilot or not fully in the present- better able to change this
Marion ( Hospital Doctor)
I would definitely recommend to others and would say it is essential in looking after oneself in a nourishing way. Helps to cope with the stresses of life.
Maggie (Counsellor)
The course has offered the real opportunity for me to think about myself, learn about myself and take care of myself. The course has supported me to start to break down the barriers that i have built up over the years as a false protection of myself
Some further comments on Heather’s facilitation style in the mindfulness sessions:
Very concise, useful course in the way it was delivered. Given in a way that did not overload or overwhelm when embarking on a personal course. Also delivered very creatively, Thank you.
Heather, you hold the space during the sessions wonderfully. You bring a very calm open approach to each session which aids learning about oneself
Thankyou for being kind, non judgemental, warm and empathetic. A satisfying learning environment that has allowed me the space to grow.
Well paced, 4 sessions works well despite being designed as eight sessions. Felt we were all given time to have our say
Really enjoyed your welcoming non-judgemental approach.
Found Heather, relaxing, supportive and knowledgeable. Already believing in what she does.
Heather really gave all that she could whilst facilitating the course, including all of us in the group.
CDs are excellent. Heather is a very patient, reflective person. Managed the class with kindness.
I have enjoyed everything Heather has done on the course giving me space to notice in my own time and way.
What a lovely soothing voice. Went at a good pace. Running over more weeks has almost certainly helped to embed it.
Her teaching is very clear. She has a compassionate authority. Her advice about breaking rules and doing what feels personally ok has really helped me during the course and will encourage me in the future
Heather was always non-judgemental and was able to capture and share difficult experiences that we may have been having.
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