Psychometrics and Measurement Tools
One of the keys to change is developing self awareness. Once you understand more about your motivations, personality, skills and strengths it can help you to move towards your goals but also help in understanding others. From an organisational and team perspective, I have found that raised awareness through the use of such instruments, can bring understanding and greater tolerance and a reduction in conflict.
Personality Inventories and Self awareness tools
I am level B accredited practitioner with the British Psychological Society in a number of well known personality inventories such as the MBTI and FIRO-B and am qualified in two specialised Leadership and strengths based inventories that are detailed below. I also use many other available instruments that are well reviewed and evidence based such as the Big 5 personality instrument and I also use extensively various positive psychology specialised inventories including personal resilience, emotional intelligence, satisfaction with life and self esteem instruments.
Leadership Development
The Leadership Development Framework describes sequential stages of development (Action Logics) through which adults may progress during their lifespan. Crucially, different leadership capabilities are evident at each successive Action Logic – leadership transforms with each step. Extensively researched and validated, it describes what promotes and impedes development to each successive stage.
I am fully qualified practitioner in the Leadership Development Profile. The Leadership Development Profile reveals the action logic of a leader and we can then use it to build a personal developmental agenda. Knowing your own current ‘action logic’ opens up two possibilities: on the one hand, you may decide that consolidating your behaviours and capabilities at your current stage would be of greatest value to you and your organisation. On the other, you may be interested in creating the potential for transformational change to a new stage.
Your Strengths
I am accredited in this world-leading strengths assessment and development tool which has been taken by 40,000+ people around the world. It assesses 60 strengths according to the three dimensions of energy, performance and use, making it truly unique and distinct from the typical one-dimensional strengths test. These three dimensions are then used to identify where your strengths lie. The report gives you a unique insight into your strengths and weaknesses, helps you distinguish your strengths from your learned behaviours, provides you with a strengths language that enables you to share your strengths with others and helps you think about how to use your strengths to achieve your goals.
Organisational instruments
I often find taking a benchmark of where we are is a useful segway into Organisational Development work and have used happiness at work surveys as well as my own team based surveys and reviews to create a benchmark. I am also well versed on organisational people surveys and can facilitate sessions that bring these to life to create forward momentum.