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Strengthening your mindfulness practice- silent retreat

March 29th, 2016

Heather Johnston

photo[2]Already completed an 8 week MBSR or MBCT course? I will be running a silent retreat on Saturday 18th March 2017  at Wormingford Community Education Centre between 9.30am and 3.30pm. The cost is £60. Tea and Coffee facilities are available and you will need to bring your own lunch (which will be in silence).

The day will incorporate practices learnt on your MBSR/MBCT course and include some new meditations to strengthen your practice and cultivate further a sense of mindful presence. The day will be held mostly in silence and we will intersperse sitting meditations with movement based meditation and make the most of the beautiful countryside nearby. If the weather is kind to us we will take some of the practice outside so bring sunscreen and a hat!

To apply and book please contact Heather direct at 07801 246113 or via email



Supervision for Coaches, Consultants and those that work in the helping professions

Supervision is a place where a living profession breathes and learns….supervision can be a very important part of taking care of oneself, staying open to new learning, and an indispensable part of the coach’s ongoing self-development, self-awareness and commitment to learning.
Hawkins and Shohet



Having undertaken my coach training in 2004, and coached for many years and trained others to coach,  I have been reflecting on pushing my skills further and to offer others the benefit of my experience, and the support and challenge needed to enhance your practice as either an internal or external coach, a L&D or OD consultant or anyone working in a helping profession. This can involve supervision related to your client work; where you are in your own development journey or reflecting on the impact of your work on the wider system you are working within.

I bring a unique combination of skills to my work as a Coach and Supervisor, melding the analytical thought of business skills thinking through my early career, with creative approaches and thinking combined with a solid foundations in reflection and mindfulness supported by an active interest and practice in the latest offerings in strengths based positive psychology and compassion based approaches. This is underpinned with my Supervision training focused around the seven eyed model with Robert Shohet and Joan Wilmot at CSTD.

“Heather is a great supervisor.  She is calm, empathetic and practical.  I feel like she understands the issues and challenges my thinking in a non-judgemental way.  Heather’s contribution has helped me build on my coaching offering”


I offer different rates depending on the nature of my clients.

For Organisations my rate will be my organisational coaching rate with a 10% discount if you book 3 sessions. Please contact me to explore. As a cost effective and in some ways richer alternative I also can offer group supervision for groups of up to 6 coaches.

For those that work independently my rate is tiered, determined by your billing rates and income, and my rate is detailed below with a further 10% discount if you book 3 sessions

For those working mainly as

Life coaches  £40 per hour
Private Coaches/ small business coaches £50 per hour
Organisational and Executive Coaches £85

I can offer sessions by Skype or face to face. If you are looking for face to face sessions then travel charges will also apply depending on where you are based.

Got some questions?  Then please do get in touch to explore on 07801 246113 or via email

Know someone that this may interest?… Then please do forward this mail with the links below…

Mindfulness Courses for 2018

January 15th, 2016

Heather Johnston

Would you like to generate feelings of greater peace in your life? To feel happier, more resilient and more in control?

Mindfulness is a way of being in the present moment so that we become more aware and fully present, noticing what is unfolding moment by moment with a sense of spaciousness, curiosity, acceptance and love. Mindfulness is a practice to nourish our minds rather like what we do for our bodies. By spending time training our minds, we can notice where our attention is and with kindness bring our focus back to where we would like it to be. Mindfulness is in effect a workout for our minds.

There are many scientific research studies into the benefits of mindfulness, with more and more research conducted each year. Scientifically validated studies into mindfulness meditation, specifically MBSR and MBCT have found:

  • Increases in positive emotions and contentment and decrease in anxiety and stress
  • Decrease in pain and inflammation
  • Increased mental stamina and resilience
  • Increased focus, attention and memory improvement
  • Increased creativity, empathy and compassion

Finding Peace in a Frantic World

NEXT CLASSES START  : I am currently focusing on delivering courses within organisations, if you would like to bring mindfulness to your workplace do contact me 

This course is based on the best selling book: Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams and Danny Penman. The course runs over 8 sessions with guided group meditations and exercises that introduce you to the foundations of mindfulness. Each week you will be invited to undertake some home practise which helps you to build a mindfulness practice and build resilience in everyday life. Participants will need to buy the book which is available at bookstores and online.


(sign up to newsletter to be informed of future dates)

81% people who took my mindfulness courses to date felt less stressed, 83% feel less anxious, 95% are more aware and 82% feel better about themselves

Mindfulness is a way of being in the present moment so that we become more aware and fully present, noticing what is unfolding moment by moment with a sense of spaciousness, curiosity, acceptance and love. Mindfulness is a practice to nourish our minds rather like what we do for our bodies. By spending time training our minds, we can notice where our attention is and with kindness bring our focus back to where we would like it to be. Mindfulness is in effect a workout for our minds.


This course is for the general public and is based on the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) course developed by Dr Mark Williams and colleagues at the University of Oxford.

On the course, you will learn practices such as the Body Scan, Mindful Movement and Sitting Meditations with the aim of taking what you learn in these practices and applying them in your everyday life.

The course focuses on eight key themes outlined in the best selling book Finding Peace in a Frantic World, all interlinking and building each week through home practice.

Home practise is an integral part of the course, as it enables you to establish the skills that you are learning and apply them and see the benefits in your daily life. Each participant is encouraged to undertake approximately 10-20 minutes daily practice, six days per week, between each class. This at times can be a challenge to fit in and participants are encouraged to be kind with themselves in finding a way to make mindfulness practise work for them. The longer time given to practise the greater the benefits!

The course is most effective if you can try to attend all sessions as each session builds on the previous session. Attendance certificates are given to those that attend 7 or more sessions.

For those interested in training as a mindfulness teacher in schools, this course fulfils one of the prerequisites.

See what previous course participants have said here and here

Who should attend mindfulness courses?

Mindfulness is generally available to most people, however for some it may be best to be trained by someone with a specific clinical qualification (such as those with an acute mental health condition).
For some people challenges can arise while meditating for a number of different reasons. While each of us is different, If you are going through a major life event (such as having been recently bereaved or divorced) or suffering from mental ill health (eg acute depression) have a learning disability or have just been diagnosed with an upsetting physical illness (eg cancer) it is best to wait and leave attending a course until life is a little more settled for you or find a course that is more specialised to your particular needs. This can be discussed with your course leader and it is for this reason why we ask everyone to fill in a course screening form so that we can best support your needs or help you to find someone who can.
The course is not designed to discuss any current or past personal problems not related to the practises and If necessary, these should be pursued through individual work with a counsellor or other appropriate support.

Already completed an 8 week MBSR or MBCT course? I will be running A day of silence/retreat  this SUMMER on August 8th at The Granary SUDBURY (free parking) between 9.30am and 3.30pm. The cost is £60. Tea and Coffee facilities are available and you will need to bring your own lunch (which will be in silence).

The day will incorporate practices learnt on your MBSR/MBCT course and include some new meditations to strengthen your practice and cultivate further a sense of mindful presence. The day will be held mostly in silence and we will intersperse sitting meditations with movement based meditation and make the most of the beautiful countryside nearby. If the weather is kind to us we will take some of the practice outside so bring sunscreen and a hat!

To apply and book please contact Heather direct at 07801 246113 or via email


Interested in mindfulness classes and coaching in the workplace?



Interested in mindfulness in the workplace?

After a stimulating and enjoyable teachers training retreat with the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (University of Bangor) I am now actively incorporating mindfulness thinking into a number of areas of my work:  Read more

Mindtrip September Reflections on burnout and compassion


mindtrip September reflections on burnout and compassion

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mindtrip reflections of ideas, thoughts, hints and tips and book recommendations focused around building a flourishing work environment.

With the first days of Autumn, we come to a time of nights getting longer, mists and a sense of letting go and releasing things that have been a burden. In this Reflections I want to focus on burnout, why it happens and what we can do to build greater balance in our lives and explore the concept of compassion and particularly self compassion as a mediator to the stresses and strains of our increasingly ‘always on’ world. This Reflections is based on the work of Paul Gilbert ( and Kristin Neff ( .

Read more

Mindtrip Monthly Reflections Newsletter


mindtrip reflections of ideas, thoughts, hints and tips and book recommendations focused around building a flourishing work environment.

Creative arts based workshops and events with teams

January 20th, 2014

Heather Johnston


As one of my new offerings for 2014 I will be providing creativity and art based workshops and events for teams and groups. So if you fancy getting a bit messy and doing something different to come up with some new ideas or solve your organisational challenges or just to spend time as team, then this could be for you!

In my organisational work, I hear a number of comments about wanting to be more innovative and creative either individually or with the work that the group is doing. Using art based techniques alongside my facilitation and event design skills I can work with your group:

  • To start to see things around themselves differently
  • To help them come up with some new ideas
  • To tap in to the intuitive part of themselves that may hold some more unique ideas than traditional approaches
  • To work on something both individually and together to help see interconnections and build a sense of team spirit
  • To loosen up and have some fun!

As some of you know I have been painting for 14 years and have my own studio and participate in open studios and have a few exhibitions coming up this year (see

All materials will be provided and no artistic skills are required- the focus is on the process of the creation! You will also have some strong visual reminders to take back with you to the office, if you so wish.

So if you fancy taking a different approach to solving some of your organisational challenges and coming up with some innovative ideas for the future then please do give me a call on 07801 246113 or e-mail me

Mindtrip is Ten!

January 14th, 2014

Heather Johnston

I can’t quite believe that I have reached a major milestone of 10 years with my business, mindtrip- where did the time go!

It has certainly been an interesting few years with changes in what clients have been demanding over the years. In the early years, my focus was very much around team development and top team development along with tailored training events and leadership development. To find out more about what I offer please have a look here and here.

In 2006, I won a great opportunity to run a large change programme across the support services within Herbert Smith. This programme lasted 18 months and was very much focused on building relationships and creating a ‘joined up’ support services to the legal professionals within the firm. To find out more as to what I can do for you around change management have a look here 

With the advent of moving towards the recession in the UK in late 2007, my work began to shift more towards coaching and dealing with change and transition which is still my focus today. In addition to this, I have a strong interest in wellbeing and positive staff engagement and I believe this will start to build further over the next few years with us moving slowly out of our recessive climate and into growth. To see more about what I can help with have a look here and for a bit more information about my approach take a look here

As part of my own development and keeping myself fresh with new ideas and thoughts for working with my clients, my focus in recent years has been looking at a more integrated and holistic offering bringing in mindfulness and compassion based approaches as well as walking and art into my wider development offerings for clients.

So if you are thinking about something for you staff and Organisation or for something personally for you do give me a call on 07801 246113 I probably have just the thing you need!

Season’s Greetings

December 18th, 2013

Heather Johnston

Wishing you a Very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and a Joyful 2014!

“The aim of life is self development. To realise one’s nature perfectly-that is what each of us is here for” Oscar Wilde

What have you done to help others lately?

November 4th, 2013

Heather Johnston

Why do I ask? Because it may just help you too…At the end of October, I attended the empathy and compassion conference in society and was transported into a truly inspiring atmosphere of the latest research and thinking around ways to help improve our individual and collective resilience, so as to build a more compassionate society.

We as human beings are naturally programmed to help others, you only need to look at acts of bravery and courage (both big and small) to see how much they are rooted in putting other people before ourselves.

Taking a secular view on thinking from Buddhist meditation practices, researchers have found that those that meditate regularly develop an ability to self soothe themselves when times get tough, maintain perspective and once they get themselves balanced have a greater ability to act compassionately towards others without getting burnout.

The key? Is self compassion. When things gets tough in our ‘threat and drive’ based work organisations we all have a tendency to be our biggest internal critic and this then leeches out into a wider culture of the survival of the strongest with potentially devastating impact on people’s wellbeing, cooperation, productivity and society as a whole.

Through starting to be kinder to ourselves and being a bit more self compassionate, we naturally will start to act more compassionately towards others and this can impact up to 3 degrees of separation from ourselves, as well as increase our own wellbeing and happiness. Benefits to work organisations? Researchers have shown this is good for business too..those that start to develop more balanced work cultures that value acts of giving towards others see increased staff loyalty, increased customer service and reduced turnover as well as a reduced health bill from the impact of stress.

Want to find out where to start? Have a look at the links through this article and all it takes to get going is just 7 minutes meditation a day to take a deep breath, stop and be still. Spending time becoming aware of our own mind is a first step towards helping yourself and helping others.